June 3, 2016

Life is Precious

As I was scrolling on my phone casually looking at postings of friends and loved ones that make up my Facebook feed, I stumbled across a post from a blogger I follow. Her name is Emily, and I doubt she'll ever read this, but her husband was diagnosed with cancer last year, Of course the news was terrible, and my heart went out to their young family, But this update was different, It wasn't about his ongoing treatments or joyous family pictures like I so love to see. It was an update about her husband, but not his treatments. They found out a week ago that his cancer has grown to the point where they cannot possibly keep on giving treatment. I only got through half of her post before I broke down sobbing for this family I don't even know personally. But feel that I have a connection with them because of the beautifully honest + bittersweet posts Emily posts on her blog.

I don't mean for this to be a depressing post. I know my last post was distracted and a bit messy, but I have this strong desire to write despite all of that. I'm going to stop fretting about if my grammar is perfect, or if anything I'm talking about makes sense. I might make sure I capitalize because lets be honest, it'll drive me nuts if I don't. So I'm just going to write what is on my heart. You're more than welcome to read what I have to say, and that is this:

Life is so incredibly precious. Yes, there is a time when God can and will call you home to heaven, He might call you home to Him when you're eighty years old, thirty, or even tomorrow. It's important not to see it as a death sentence, but rather as a comfort. You should see it as a comfort because you know that as long as you love Christ with your entire heart and trust that He has everything under control, you'll be okay. You don't need to worry about when you're going to die or even how it'll happen. You're alive today! Breathing with a beating heart. That in itself is an incredible gift. I've been thinking about it to myself the last couple of weeks, but the news I mentioned in the beginning of this post was a huge realization for me. I've been trying to figure out what I've been doing with my life, If I was living it out like I should be, and honestly, I haven't been. Sure, I've been trying. I've been trying really hard to pray more and give myself more completely to God, but it hasn't been enough. I know I'm not perfect and its impossible to be so, but I can do so much more + that starts tonight. Life can be short and it's beautiful that way, but please don't waste it. Together, no matter how old you are or what gender, we can create a better tomorrow. Not only for ourselves, but for other people too. Don't hesitate to help people + love them with all that you have. No matter if they hate you, are total a stranger to you, or even if it's someone you're incredibly close with, go be the light of Christ you were born to be.



1 comment:

  1. This was beautiful. <3 thank you for sharing your sweet heart with us Abbey darling. I love reading or hearing your thoughts when they're as raw as can be.
